Achieve and operate with excellence and efficiency

At Services 4 Schools we are committed to operating a socially responsible business, both in how we work with schools as our customers, but also in terms of how we contribute to the wider communities they serve. All our staff are driven to ensure that the services we deliver have a lasting impact on improving outcomes for learners of all ages.

Supporting school communities

We think it is important for our employees to contribute however possible in building and maintaining school communities. Many of our staff sit on the Governing Boards in their local schools, offering their time in a voluntary capacity. Governing Boards gain benefit from the knowledge and experience of our education specialists, whilst in turn, our staff develop a key awareness and understanding of the challenges of decision making from within school.

Providing skills and opportunities

To support our commitment to local communities we have provided a number of work experience and work placement opportunities to young people from schools across the region. We now have a strong relationship with several schools and colleges who have sent pupils to experience how we operate our support services. Their experiences range from producing high level analysis of school performance to assisting in a marketing campaign and designing online content for our website.

Sport in the community

At S4S we are firm believers in the positive impact sport can make in the community and in particular, to life opportunities available to young people. We have invested in this belief through our corporate sponsorship of Beacon Lions Football team, Brewood Cricket Club and recently backing a multi-sport tour of the Netherlands undertaken by Queensbridge School in Birmingham. We have also supported Wolverhampton’s School Sport Partnership which strives to promote participation and completion in a broad range of sporting activities.

Charitable activities

We are very proud to support the S4S Foundation which works with young people, to help them reach their full potential. The Foundation delivers exciting programs and projects which promote healthy physical and mental lifestyles, increased confidence, raised employment aspirations, resilience and generally make a positive difference to the lives of a significant number of children, young people, their families, and their wider communities.

With the health and wellbeing of our young people firmly at the forefront of our minds, S4S have made donations to mental health charities which support young people through difficult times, helping them to find strength and confidence.